Croeso, dyma Gweriniaeth Cymru. 

This website is the home of Gweriniaeth Cymru (Republic of Wales), a consortium of Welsh patriots campaigning for an independent Welsh Republic with socialist values, a nation where Cymru alone would control and profit from its natural resources for the benefit of its citizens.


Our vision for Cymru is an independent Welsh Republic free from the influence of an undemocratic foreign monarchy and its colonial institutions.

We aim to promote the need for a Welsh Republican option on the ballot paper.

We will continue to campaign to have this compulsory colonial oath replaced with a choice; we want the alternative option to be an oath of allegiance to the constituents rather than the Crown.

We feel that the political system is currently biased against Republicans. In a democratic society, swearing allegiance to a monarchy should not be compulsory.


Would you join a consortium of Welsh nationalist republicans to establish a new political party and contest forthcoming Welsh elections?

With many voters abandoning their traditional party allegiances, there's a growing belief that the time is ripe for a new political landscape, especially in light of the divisions within the major parties. Could this be the time to establish a new political party and begin the crusade towards a Welsh Republic?

The Welsh Senedd is a puppet parliament with limited authority because Westminster controls it. The only way to challenge this colonial trap is to abstain from the Senedd and contest council seats until Cymru obtains an effective parliament.

Are you interested in this vision?  If so, then message Gweriniaeth Cymru here.