Gweriniaeth Cymru is a Welsh nationalist republican movement that focuses its values on community, national identity, culture, and independence. Gweriniaeth Cymru rejects the foreign English/British monarchy and its colonial institutions and promotes the vision of a sovereign Welsh Republic.

Our goal is not just to exist but to evolve into a political party engaged in local and Senedd elections. We will boycott UK general elections to reject the English-controlled British political system in Westminster.

In the Welsh elections, successful candidates must swear allegiance to a foreign king to take their seat in the Senedd. The Oath of Allegiance is a promise to be loyal to the British/English monarch and their heirs and successors. Currently, the oath is compulsory for members of the Scottish and Welsh Parliament; however, there is no requirement for members of the Northern Ireland Assembly to take an oath of allegiance to the monarchy.

Gweriniaeth Cymru is resolute in its commitment to advocating for a change in the current oath of allegiance. We firmly believe it is time to replace the submissive archaic pledge of loyalty to a foreign monarchy sworn in the Senedd with a more fitting oath of allegiance to Cymru and its citizens. 

We want an independent Welsh Republic with an elected head of state chosen by the people, a nation where citizens have equal status and privileges. 

If you, as a Welsh Republican, resonate with the principles of Gweriniaeth Cymru and are eager to contribute to shaping the movement, we invite you to get involved. Your voice and actions can make a significant difference. By joining us, you become an integral part of our mission. We also ask you to consider donating, as your financial support will help us finance our crusade and achieve our goals.

Your support is crucial to our cause. By spreading the word about Gweriniaeth Cymru and its values on social media platforms, you are not just promoting our movement, but also helping us reach more people and further our cause. Your individual efforts can have a significant impact on our collective mission.
